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Joey Bosa Staying Positive and Putting His Patience to the Test


Joey Bosa has yet to play in a game this season after a bone bruise in his foot has made the defensive end wait a little longer to make his 2018 season debut.

But on Wednesday, Bosa met with reporters at his locker and reflected on what it's been like dealing with the injury. 

As dry and witty as ever, Bosa discussed how he "graduated from a cast to a boot" and is feeling better than he has the last few weeks. 

"It's going to be a few more weeks," Bosa said. "Then when that time comes, it's really one day at a time."

Bosa acknowledged that he can't rush things given the nature of the injury, but added, "when I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go." 

According to Bosa, one of the hardest parts about being sidelined is the inability to take the field with his teammates on Sundays. Knowing he can't be out between the white lines and helping the defense has been frustrating.

"It didn't really hit me until I went in the locker room for the KC game and I saw everybody getting ready," he mentioned. "When I walked in the locker room for KC, it really hit me seeing all the guys warming up and getting ready. I'm trying to look forward, I'm trying to just stay positive about it because it's the only thing I can do right now."

One way he's channeling that frustration and turning it to a positive is by helping some of the younger players on the roster, like Isaac Rochell. While he can't physically be on the field, he's happy he can be there for his teammates in the classroom and on the sidelines.

"I can try to stay around and help all the young guys, help Isaac (Rochell) in his position right now and just continue to try to be part of this team. All the guys have been great, nobody would ever make me feel excluded from anything, but it's really tough to watch when I know that I could have a great impact and I could help the game."

But he isn't the only Bosa family member currently sidelined. His younger brother and Ohio State defensive end, Nick, is rehabbing from a core muscle injury. The good news is that the brothers have found solace in one another. 

"We talk every day," Joey said of Nick. "He's in Philly right now rehabbing and he's going around enjoying all the best food he's ever eaten, so he's not too upset right now. He's looking ahead, too. He's really mature for his age. He knows the deal, he knows where he has to be and he's having no problem."

While it's been frustrating for him, Bosa said it's been harder on his family to see him and his brother not able to suit up on weekends. But thanks to his parents' words of encouragement, the times of feeling sorry for himself are long over – even if they communicated that message from thousands of miles away.

"I think (my parents) were there for me in the beginning telling me that it could be worse and to stay positive and all this stuff, but you've got to realize it does take a huge toll on them. But they're fine. They both went out to visit Nicky. Nobody came to see me here of course! But no, we're all kind of past the grieving stage. Like I said, it's all about looking forward, getting better and getting back out on the field."

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