Since LaDainian Tomlinson is being inducted in the Pro Football Hall of Fame as a member of the 2017 class on Saturday, we gave fans an opportunity to submit their congratulatory messages.
From memories about his game to the impact he made on many of your lives, LT truly is a Hall of Fame player and person.
Thank you for your submissions.
LaDainian, I just want to thank you for everything. You are the reason I am a Chargers fan. You were my role model at an important time in my life and you made me a better person because of it. I don't know anyone who deserves that gold jacket more than you do. – Jason
Dear LT,
You are my hero. You have been since I was little. I had almost all your jerseys by the time I was 10, and I followed you as closely as possible for a non-Californian. Your story is inspiring. Your career was one of the best I have ever seen. I thoroughly enjoyed watching your passion for your work. You are a role model on and off the field. My dad promised me when I was about nine that when (he said if, I said when) you get in the Hall of Fame, we would go watch your induction. Hopefully we'll be able to make it. Thanks for showing me the true definition of an athlete. Bolt up. With much admiration and appreciation, Landon Hoover
What can I say LT? You're the whole reason I fell in love with football. You're the reason I became a Chargers fan. Seeing you on the TV every Sunday was truly something special. You're one of the greatest and you always will be. I was so excited to hear that you're being inducted to the Hall of Fame so I bought tickets to the ceremony and I've been counting the days since you truly deserve this, LT. Bolt up⚡ – Kyle Hines
Mr. Tomlinson,
I was a young kid growing up in Houston without a football team to cheer for because there was no Houston Texans yet. So, I had my pick of the litter and then I can remember seeing this freakish athlete with a dark visor and wearing the slick powder blues and I remember thinking to myself "Yup, that's my guy and that's my team." LT you made me a fan of greatness and a fan of football. You will forever be the greatest football player ever to me. I got to take a picture with you in Houston when you were here covering the Super Bowl and I have to say that you were a great man. Thank you for being a great role model for kids growing up everywhere. Much respect. – Kerry Cloud
From the day I started watching football I became a huge fan of you. I was nine when I watched you break the touchdown record. Growing up I always wore 21 because I wanted to be like you. Congratulations on being inducted into the Hall of Fame LT. – Trei Norris
Hi LaDainian! When I started playing football back in 3rd grade I became a Chargers fan, and I've stayed a die-hard fan ever since. That was back in 2006. This past year was my senior high school football season. I had a great time, but shortly after in December I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I was rushed in to surgery quickly following and was informed the tumor was cancerous. Since then I've been dealing with loads of different medicines and hospital stays. But I remember one of the highlights for me back then was hearing you had made it and were going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. It was such nice news to hear my favorite player of all time was getting the highest award football can hand out. I'm still in treatment, but doing a lot better and can't wait to watch you (get inducted). I always admired your athletic abilities and skills as a running back, but I was also inspired by a shared faith in God, our author and perfector. Congratulations on being inducted into the hall, you deserve it! Go Chargers, D.J. Dalzell
Hey LT, I just wanted to say congrats on the induction it is much deserved. I got a chance to witness your record breaking performance against the Broncos in '06 and that will be something I'll never forget. You are and will always be my favorite running back. Congrats again. – Joseph
Dear LaDainian Tomlinson,
It would be a great honor for you to read my salute and admiration towards you. It is clear you have experienced a career that only few have had. You have truly earned a place to be remembered as one of the great athletes, playmakers and running backs of all time. However, besides the unthinkable jukes and touchdowns you pulled off, what I will remember most about you is how you became a Hall of Fame person, man and father. After watching the "A Football Life" on you, I was filled with emotions because I witnessed the pains, trials and tribulations you endured and overcame. You are an example of finding out the person you are when you are at your lowest depths, not your highest peak. I will remember forever the love you gave to us Chargers fans and our city. I am still excited for the future you have with our team, so thank you LT. – Benjamin Martinez
Hey LT! Congrats on entering the Hall of Fame! You deserve it in every way! I grew up watching you and you are one of the reasons I am a Charger fan. Thank you for all the memories and I hope you help this organization in the future achieve success and hopefully Super Bowls. – Sergi Torres
LT, always and still my favorite running back. Congratulations!! ♥️ – Peggie Sumter
Congratulations on the well-deserved Hall of Fame honor. I am very happy for you. Thank you for all that you have done for the Chargers and for professional football. I hope things are going well for you right now. Prayers for the best to you. Take care and God bless, William Haney GO CHARGERS!!!!
LT! What an amazing career, man. You are a beast. I am a longtime Chargers fan and my uncles loved to watch you play back in the day. I always loved watching you break defenders' ankles with your deadly spin move. Congratulations on being inducted into the Hall of Fame, you definitely deserve it! It was awesome to see you break the record for the most rushing touchdowns in a single season and everyone on the team hoist you up in celebration. The 2009 team was my favorite Chargers team. You guys were too good. Congratulations again man, you're my favorite player of all time! – Jacob Real
What's up LT! I just want to say thank you for making me a fan of the greatest sport out there! I became a fan of the sport at 15 (during) your 2006 season, I chose to be a Charger because of the passion, excitement, and greatness you showed on the field day in and day out! You always put out for your city and that's what I loved to see; someone throwing it down for the team on your back. You changed my life and I want to thank you for giving me this excitement whenever any football game is playing on TV. THE GOAT! #21 Your fan: Kevin Solis
LT! You're the reason why I fell in love with football. You were so electric and so fun to watch. You had me glued to the TV on Sundays. Congrats on this great accomplishment. You truly deserve it. Go Chargers! – Jessica Urtado
LT: My family and I have rode this ride with you since you entered the NFL and you made those years our family traveled down to San Diego to remember for a lifetime. Across generations, you are what comes to mind when we think football. We were there to share in those special milestones you had on the field and you became part of our family! Thank you for not only being the best running back of all time and letting us come along on the journey, but thank you for being an example for everyone of what grace, humility, and class look like. Forever Chargers! The De Los Santos Family from California
LT you are the man! You definitely deserve your gold jacket and more. You are the reason I stated watching football and the reason I'm a Charger fan today. Wish you luck and happiness for you and your family. Thank you for all you have done and will do for football. You truly are the GOAT. ⚡⚡⚡ – Brandon Wood
You can't spell Bolts without the LT! Congrats! – Chrissy Ornelas
As I sit here pondering on what to write, there are many things that come to mind. His record breaking season. His Hall of Fame career. However, what comes to mind most were his actions in our community, especially all the food he helped provide at Christmas time. Seeing him help all those families who, for some reason or another, couldn't afford it. His accomplishments on the field speak for themselves. But, his accomplishments off the field are on a whole another level. Thank you LT for ALL the memories. – Richard Chavez
Congrats LT on being chosen to be inducted into the 2017 NFL Hall of Fame! You deserve it! One of the greatest of all time in the NFL! – Andres Lillard
Congratulations LT on making the Hall of Fame as a first-time ballot. You're the main reason I became a Chargers fan as I watched non-stop highlights of you on YouTube and on the field. As I look at my baby blue number 21 jersey with Tomlinson on the back and look at the posters of you on my Chargers wall in my room, I think of the great memories of you and of how we had many playoff appearances. You are an inspiration to me becoming my first ever favorite player for any sport and for changing my life. Thank you and congratulations on making the Hall of Fame, LT! – Christian Bondeson
LT! My favorite player of all time! You are the reason that I am a diehard Chargers fan, and always will be. I think I was destined to be a Chargers fan, because after watching you for two years, I realized we have the same birthday! Now every year when that time rolls around I think about all the great things you've done not only for my team, but also my sport. Thank you for all the memories, and congrats on the well-deserved honors you are receiving! – Noah Evans
Dear LT, I have always looked up to you ever since I started cheering for the Chargers when I was kindergarten. I'm 18 now and still idolize you because you are such a great role model. You were such a good football player and did amazing things for the team. You totally deserve to put in the Hall of Fame. You are the best. Congrats LT! – Spencer Ashby
LaDainian Tomlinson, I am so grateful for this opportunity to write you a congratulatory letter for your Hall of Fame achievement. I would like to take a minute to tell the story of how you became one of my biggest role models. I am a college student going to Utah State University and everyone I meet asks me why I am such an avid Chargers fan. Growing up in Utah, we don't have an in-state football team but I always loved watching football every Sunday. I remember I wanted to become a fan for a team and not just like watching football. So, the 2006-2007 season, I was 11 years old at the time, I watched as many games as possible for all the teams in order to find who I liked the most. Being named Jaxon from my parents I started to think that I should just be a Jacksonville Jaguars fan for that simple reason, but it just didn't seem right. During the pre-season of that season my parents took a business trip to San Diego and went to a Chargers pre-season game and picked me up a shirt knowing that I loved the NFL. Well at first I didn't think too much of the team that was on it, but throughout the season I noticed that I turned on more Chargers games than any other. At first I thought it was because of this shirt I received from my parents, but soon I realized it was because I was captivated by your gameplay style. Every time you ran the ball, or every catch you caught, I was rooting for you. I loved watching you out-run, out-play, and outscore everyone in the league. Some might say I jumped on the bandwagon of the best player in the league, and I guess I most certainly did. You were, and always will be, the best running back in history. On top of all of your accomplishments, I never saw anything but respect from you to others. You seemed so humble and down to earth. Since then I have become the most diehard Chargers fan that you'll ever meet (or at least in Utah). So to that I want to say thank you. Thank you for changing my life and being one of my biggest role models. You deserve being in the Hall of Fame more than anyone I have ever watched play the game. Congratulations. With respect, Jaxon Ombach
Congrats L.T. ! You are the biggest reason why I became a Charger fan for life! You've inspired me to love and play the sport of football. You are and forever will be, my favorite player of all time! Congrats bro and long live #21! BOLT UP! – Edgar Avila
Dear LT, I served as a Marine in San Diego for eight years. During that time, I became a lifelong Chargers fan because of players like you. I have always admired your dedication and respect for others and the class with which you always seemed to conduct yourself. Thanks for all the memories. Congrats on a well-deserved Hall of Fame induction and I wish you, your lovely wife, and children a lifetime of continued happiness and success. Your fan, Keith
Thank you for being the reason I have been a Chargers fan the last 11 years. I wish you got a ring with that 2006 team. Congrats on being a Hall of Famer in your first year, you earned it. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family going forward. Go Chargers! Sincerely, Chargers fan for life, Nick Gutierrez
LT! You're my favorite player of all time! One of the greatest running backs ever! I just wanna say a massive congratulations for making it to Canton and that you deserve this moment! - Sam Joesoep (Massive Fan from Indonesia)
First off congratulations on your well-deserved HOF enshrinement. Not only do you deserve to be remembered amongst the greatest of all time for what you did on the field but in my eyes probably more for what you did off of it. You are the true epitome of what a professional athlete should be. I enjoyed watching you do magical things with that rock for seven years as a season ticket holder sitting in Field 15 next to my buddy who religiously held up the original "LT" sign hoping you would glance up in our direction a few times (which you did.) Thank you for such great memories through the years buddy :) I'm sure our old friend Junior will be smiling down on you as you stand up there giving your speech. God bless you! Wishing you nothing but the in all of your future endeavors. – Hector Galarza
You have inspired me beyond any measure I could put into words. From growing up and becoming a man, to thinking back on my days as a football player, you were and still are my hero. Your character off the field, as well as on it, helped shape me to become who I am today. Being someone labeled as too small to play the game, you were my source of inspiration to keep going. I know I speak for many when I say that we wanted to be just like you on the football field, but I also know I speak for many more when I say that your fans still aspire to have an impact on the community like you still do. Thank you. In my family, we will always remember chanting "LT" after every touchdown. Thank you and congratulations. – John Will
Congratulations LT, I watched you get drafted with the 5th pick in NYC in 2001 and was ecstatic! You lived up to every expectation a fan could have not only for being one of the greatest running backs to ever play the game but also for being a true professional and role model for fans of all ages. You are so humble and appreciative for everything that football has given you that I can't think of anyone more deserving. Can't wait to watch you stand on that podium in Canton and receive your "Super Charger" Hall of Fame bust! Thank you for entertaining us fans for so many years, Drew
Dear LT, I been a Chargers fan since birth, a few years before you joined the team. But no one has impacted the game or the franchise as much as you have. You are an inspiration to everyone, you are the reason my jersey number in any sport was and will always be 21! You deserve this and so much more! Thank you for the joy you brought my family from watching you on game day! Much love #21forever – Amina Hicks
Hey LT, I've been a Chargers Fan since '63. In ALL those years I've seen the best & worst of times. I am honored to have witnessed easily one of the greatest players and role models EVER to play in any sport. Thank you, LT. It was pure pleasure watching you bring honor and respect to the Chargers. Your skills as a player, I found astonishing. Your ability to find and explode through the hole just amazed me. Again, thanks for the pleasure of watching YOU shred opposing Ds. – Tim Groves
Hi LT, I wanted to congratulate you for this Gold Jacket you deserve. I'm a Swiss fan who just turned 18. I've been following the Chargers since 2005 and will always remember the game against the Broncos in 2006 when you scored three TD because it was the first game I saw live. Wish you all the best in the future. You biggest fan in Geneva/Switzerland
Congratulations LT on your induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. It's a well-deserved honor for a man with so much humility. You have never been about getting individual accolades. You have always been a consummate team player. Many thanks to all the you have done for the people off the football field. My wife and I hope to meet you in Canton next week. We bought our tickets as soon as you were nominated. – Tony Nuntasiri
"Thank you" just isn't enough to show appreciation for the many great memories you gave us Chargers fans around the world. Kneeling down with arms stretched out in the Black Hole after scoring the winning touchdown, powering your way through a tackle for a score against the Patriots, catching a pass over the middle and going all the way against the Broncos... I can keep going, but I will stop and say I miss watching how you played the game as much as I miss Seau making plays on Sundays. You deserve and earned all the accolades you have received and it would have been a crime not to vote you into the H.O.F. Congratulations and keep up the good work on NFL Network! – Jacob Taylor
3,000 miles away and many years later, but love you the same and still amazed at your career. – Ali Zamani
Congrats on the HOF nomination much deserved; been a Chargers fan for over 45+ years and going out to games. You're a class act on and off the field; handle everything with total class; so happy you're a part of the organization. We named our loved Bulldog after you! – Michael Newlon
Congratulations LT. You'll read this on my 20th birthday which is the greatest gift because I grew up watching you play, begged for your jersey for Christmas (which I still have) and wore 21 when I played football hoping to be like you. Now you're going into the HOF. Thank you for being the greatest running back I've seen. – Trei Norris
Congratulations, Mr. Tomlinson! You will always be my favorite football player and favorite Charger forever! You are a champion in all our hearts! Thank you for the all the memories and your long-lasting impact on this franchise. You are the GREATEST! boLT up! – AJ Dela Llana
First off, I want to say congrats on such an honor. I've always rooted for you as a first-ballot HOFer. Second, I thank you for all the good memories I have from growing up in San Diego as a Chargers fan. Today's kids will never know the joy it was to watch you play. They have all these new backs now, but I tell people, before Adrian Peterson, before Beast Mode, before Le'Veon Bell, before Frank Gore, and all the great backs we have today, there was LT. Insert an 'I' and it spells LIT which is exactly what it was like watching you play. As a kid, I always wanted to be like you. After scoring touchdowns when playing with friends, I always had to cap it off with your little signature LT ball flip in the endzone. I had to get the arm bands, the cleats. I always wanted to buy a helmet just so i could wear a visor like you. When I collected and traded football cards, I took pride in getting as many LT cards as I could, I have nine, all in sleeves for safe keeping. To this day, I try to create you in Madden so that I can play as you in the game. You were the Michael Jordan of running backs and you touched so many lives by the way you played on the field. Sure, we never got a Super Bowl. But that's okay, because my memory is full of great moments like AFC championships, 100 receptions, the stiff arms on OJ Atogwe, Hiram Eugene, Deltha O'Neal, and Gibril Wilson, the touchdown passes, and most memorable of all the TD record vs Denver. I even remember you scoring on a long run on the VERY FIRST play of a game. Nobody can take those away from me. All I can do now is educate this generation on the greatness they didn't have the chance to witness. I doubt this letter will even get read, but if it does, I thank you for taking the time. I love you, I miss you, and will never forget LT. You made me want to play football. You made a whole bunch of people believe they could be like LT. You inspired past, present, and future generations of football. I'm 22 now and will not soon forget the inspiration you gave me. Thank you and congrats on your big day, I look forward to watching your speech. Sincerely, James Brown
A few featured letters congratulating LaDainian Tomlinson on his Hall of Fame honor.




