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A Conversation With: FB/DL Scott Matlock

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Scott Matlock has taken on quite the role on this year's Chargers team.

The 24-year-old, who was drafted as a defensive lineman last spring, is the Bolts starting fullback and has played considerably in all three phases. recently caught up with Matlock ahead of Week 8 about what his year has looked like so far playing on offense, defense and special teams.

Here's our 1-on-1 conversation with Matlock:

Thank you for your time, Scott. To start, how have the first six games been this year compared to last year when you were playing strictly on the D-Line?

"I think there was some growth throughout this training camp compared to last year's training camp. These first couple games of the year obviously, tons of room to improve, it's never going to be perfect. There's always going to be something to work on. Me, I'm still developing as a D-Lineman, so just have to keep attacking it one game at a time, one rep at a time and keep trying to grow in the role."

You got your first career catch in Week 4. What was that moment like, what was going through your head when you knew the ball was heading towards you?

"You got to have confidence when you step on the field. At the end of the day, you have to play fast and expect to make those kinds of plays and to make the catches. Now we just have to, I guess, get the first down. Baby steps, first we have to focus on catching it and now we can focus on after. It was cool, it was fun."

Has there been something that has surprised you that maybe you didn't expect going into this role?

"How much I was going to be used on offense. I didn't think it was going to be as much as it has been, but the more the merrier. Why not?"

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Being in offensive meetings now, how has that transition been? Is there anything you can take from the defensive side to help in those meetings?

"I know what I look for as a D-Lineman in an offensive set, so when I line up and do my offensive plays, I'm trying to not give away the things I look for. Being a defensive player definitely makes me a better offensive player for sure because I know what they're looking for."

How has it been working with the offensive coaching staff in terms of not only teaching you but also making sure you're good to go on game day?

"The whole offensive staff has done a good job keeping me prepared, answering any questions I have, being thorough in their teaching. It's been a pretty easy transition. Obviously, there's things here and there, but I think for the most part it hasn't been too bad. That's a credit to them and the coaches they are. Then it's just up to me and going out there and execute."

Switching over to the defensive line, the group was highly praised by a lot of the staff and we're seeing it come to fruition early in the season. What has been key to your guys' success?

"We expect to be these types of game wreckers, we expect to make those plays, we expect to be a problem for offenses. There's no surprise there. Credit to the other guys in the room, working hard and practicing. The stuff they do in the game is the stuff they do in practice, so it's fun to go out there and see them ball."

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We heard a lot about physicality and what the new staff wanted to bring. How much of an emphasis is on that room to set the tone in a game?

"That's a big part of what we emphasize as a whole unit. We have to start fast, and you got to maintain it through a whole 60-minute game. We're trying to practice fast, trying to maintain that the whole way through, running to the ball, flying around, all that kind of stuff."

Tell me a little bit about working with Morgan Fox, Poona Ford, Otito Ogbonnia and more. What's that room like for you especially since it's a mix of veterans and younger guys?

"Fox has always been that rock in the D-line room. He's always real and someone you can always come to ask questions, because he's been in the league for a long time and he's very wise and has a lot of wisdom to share as far as being in that D-line role. He's a great pass rusher so I've been lucky to have him as a mentor and resource. As far as Poona, he's been a great addition to this room. You can see the things he's doing and I don't think any of us are surprised. We knew pretty early on the type of player he's going to be. We're glad he's on our team."

Last one, one a personal note. How much pride have you taken in what you've been able to do so far with handling all three phases and what do you hope to accomplish by the season's end in this role?

"What I'm doing, I guess, is not normal. I don't really realize what I'm doing. I'm just kind of in my own lane, in my zone. I'm not satisfied with what I've done so far and I don't think I ever will be. It's always going to be a constant state of improvement for me every day."

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