El que tenga la mandíbula floja, mejor que se dedique a otra cosa, porque los cuestionamientos y las críticas llegaron y llegarán a montones. Y con justa razón.
El resultado final fue el fiel reflejo de lo que ocurrió en la cancha. Superados de principio a fin por un equipo que, ahora sí con conocimiento de causa, podemos decir que no es para nada una sorpresa ni un accidente. Seattle está donde está (4-3 y al tope de la división oeste de la NFC) por mérito propio. Y los Chargers lo vivieron en carne propia en una soleada, pero a la vez fría y cruel tarde en el SoFi.
Estos Seahawks, dirigidos por el experimentado Pete Carroll, superaron a los hombres de Brandon Staley en todos los sectores de la cancha. Solo hubo un momento (2do cuarto 14-17 abajo) donde los Chargers parecieron estar a la altura del rival y de las circunstancias. Pero la realidad cuenta que por la mayor parte del encuentro sólo hubo un equipo en la cancha capaz de imponer sus términos.
Y el primero en reconocerlo es Staley, quien fue muy claro en su mensaje al equipo una vez en el vestidor:
"Lo que les dije exactamente es que estamos 4-3. La realidad es que por 7 partidos hemos tenido que luchar muy duro para estar 4-3. Nos hemos sobrepuesto a mucho. Nuestra temporada está al frente de nosotros, lo que es verdad. La razón por la que estamos 4-3 y no 5-2 es porque hoy no jugamos al football lo suficientemente bien como para ganar. No dirigimos lo suficientemente bien. Lo que necesitamos hacer es descansar, tomar ventaja de la semana bye y descansar, y después volver como equipo, y realmente concentrarnos en jugar de la manera en que podemos jugar. Hoy día, ciertamente no lo hicimos."
Sobre comenzar el partido atrás en el marcador:
"Ciertamente no es la manera en que quieres empezar el partido de football. Definitivamente no fue lo que queríamos hoy día. Defensivamente, comenzamos el partido con una gran recuperación y después les entregamos la pelota en ofensiva al ser incapaces de convertir en 3era [y 2] y 4ta [y una]. Tiramos una intercepción, perdimos la pelota (fumble de Herbert provocado por una muy buena jugada del linebacker Darrell Taylor). Es muy difícil crear momentum cuando comienzas el partido así. Fuimos capaces de competir y meternos de nuevo en el juego, pero hay mucha energía que se va en eso. Después no jugamos lo suficientemente limpio en el 2do tiempo para crear cualquier tipo de momentum y ponernos adelante. No jugamos bien en ninguna faceta."
Staley fue muy claro al hablar de los problemas que hoy enfrentaron ante la defensa visitante. "Creo que nos ganaron en la trinchera," dijo Staley. "No pudimos correr la pelota bien. No pudimos proteger bien a nuestro pasador, así será difícil mover la pelota y anotar puntos. Ahí es donde empezó todo hoy."
No caben dudas de que aparte de la derrota, lo más doloroso del partido fueron las lesiones sufridas por J.C. Jackson y Mike Williams. Durante la mañana se sabrá más, pero del esquinero estrella del equipo está claro que se trata de una "lesión significativa" según Staley. Ocurrió al final del 1er tiempo cuando Jackson trató de impedir una conexión entre Smith y Goodwin que terminó con el 2do TD del partido para el receptor visitante.
"J.C. Jackson sufrió una lesión de rodilla severa."
Fue lo que dijo Brandon Staley al inicio de su conferencia de prensa post partido.
Cuando se le preguntó si era algo que podría terminar con su temporada, reiteró, "Es una lesión significativa."
Sobre el #81 agregó, "Mike Williams tiene una lesión de tobillo." Aclarando que aún no se tenía claro la severidad.
El defensivo Chris Rumph II también dejó la cancha lesionado (problema de cadera/rodilla fue) pero aquí Staley fue más optimista declarando que no se veía que fuera una lesión importante. Insistimos, hoy lunes cerca del mediodía, o tal vez ya antes en los medios sociales, se sabrá más de la condición de todos estos jugadores.
Es cierto que la temporada y todo lo que quieren los Chargers aún está al alcance y lo más importante, aún depende de ellos el conseguirlo. Pero ya sólo quedan 10 partidos y cada victoria o cada derrota significarán cada vez más.
Hasta que llegue el momento donde la declaración de: "Aún tenemos todo lo que queremos al frente nuestro" ya no será más válida, porque se te acaba la temporada. Ahora, para conseguir aquel objetivo, estos inicios de partidos deberán desaparecer lo antes posible.
En los últimos 3 primeros cuartos (Cleveland, Denver y Seattle) el equipo ha sido superado 41-3. Ayer en el SoFi en un abrir y cerrar de ojos los Seahawks ya se habían puesto 17-0 al final de los primeros 15 minutos.
"Yeah. No vas a ganar muchos partidos si te pones 17-0 abajo. Esa es la verdad. Es la NFL, tienes que ser capaz de competir desde el inicio," dijo Austin Ekeler, RB Chargers. "Estamos tratando de comenzar rápido. Creo que la razón principal son las pérdidas y los errores. Tuvimos un par de pérdidas tempraneras y ellos fueron capaces de capitalizarlas, y nosotros no fuimos capaces de aprovechar las pérdidas que creamos."
Fue un partido que comenzó con altibajos para ambos equipos. Cuando Kenneth Murray Jr. consiguió la primera intercepción de su carrera en la primera ofensiva visitante, todo indicaba que los Chargers quedaban en una posición ideal para golpear primero. Yarda 42 de Seattle y Herbert con la pelota en sus manos.
Pero la ofensiva no fue capaz de mover las cadenas (ni en 4ta y una) y se perdió la oportunidad de anotar primero, aunque hubiera sido un gol de campo. Después, los Seahawks avanzaron y Geno Smith se conectó con Marquise Goodwin para un TD de 20 yardas y de ahí en adelante los visitantes no miraron atrás.
Mientras Seattle tuvo en el corredor novato Kenneth Walker III (Michigan State) una fuerza incontenible por tierra, los Chargers nunca pudieron establecer el ataque terrestre ante una defensa que una y otra vez dominó la trinchera. En ese primer contacto, los de Pete Carroll simplemente fueron mejores que los de Staley, en todo el partido, defensa y ataque.
Ataque terrestre Seahawks: 214 yardas (34 acarreos)
Walker III: 168 yardas en 23 acarreos incluyendo un TD de 74 yardas (terminó con 2 TD)
Ataque terrestre de Chargers: 53 yardas (15 acarreos)
Ekeler: 31 yardas en 9 acarreos (1 TD)
Ekeler opinó esto:
"Fuimos bastante unidimensionales hoy. Nos costó correr la pelota, y pienso que eso nos hizo mucho daño. Nos hizo predecibles en escenarios de segundas y largas y terceras y largas que obviamente son oportunidades de pases. Pienso que ser tan unidimensionales tuvo un efecto dominó en el transcurso del juego. Nos terminó haciendo daño". Agregando; "Cada semana cada partido es diferente. Vemos diferentes frontones y hoy día, por alguna razón, no fuimos capaces de correr la pelota. Voy a mirar el video pero es algo que tenemos que asegurarnos de estar conectados y asegurarnos que lo resolvemos porque no podemos convertirnos en una ofensiva unidimensional. Es difícil ganar partidos cuando tienes que pasar en cada oportunidad. Es algo en lo que definitivamente tendremos que hacer énfasis en esta semana bye, y así estar conectados para estar en la misma página y sentirnos bien acerca del plan de juego, pero sin importar el plan, nosotros tenemos que salir a la cancha y ejecutar."
Browse through live action photos of the Bolts Week 7 matchup against the Seattle Seahawks at SoFi Stadium!

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.

The Los Angeles Chargers were defeated by the Seattle Seahawks on October 23, 2022 in Inglewood, California.
Como consecuencia lógica, esta incapacidad de correr la pelota afectó el trabajo de Herbert. No fue un partido de alto voltaje para el QB de Chargers (3er partido seguido donde no lanza para 300+ yardas) y el mariscal de campo rival, continuó haciendo lo que ha hecho toda esta temporada, administrar el ovoide y ser muy eficiente cuando decide usar su brazo. Cuando tienes un ataque terrestre que es una amenaza constante la defensa rival nunca puede establecerse en el partido. Siempre los encuentras fuera de balance porque no saben por dónde vendrá la arremetida.
Justin Herbert:
33/51, 293 yardas, 5.7 yds por pase, 2 TD, 1 INT, 85 de QB Rating
Geno Smith:
20/27, 210 yardas, 7.8 yds por pase, 2 TD, 1 INT, 105 QB Rating
Sobre la defensa de Seattle:
"Pienso que jugaron muy bien. Desafortunadamente no ejecutamos de la manera en que queríamos hoy día. Cometí errores un par de veces y no puedes esperar hacer eso y ganar en la NFL."
Sobre su intercepción:
"El defensor saltó y se quedó con ella. Un error muy costoso. No puedes cometer esos errores en la NFL."
Sobre entrar a la semana bye con una derrota:
"Es desafortunado que no pudimos ganar. Todos los partidos, estamos tratando de ganarlos. Eso es lo desafortunado de hoy, no ejecutamos de la manera que queríamos. Vamos a ver el video mañana y vamos a mejorar. Vamos a seguir avanzando. Probablemente la voy a tratar como una semana normal, continuar estudiando video y cuidando mi cuerpo, hacer tratamiento y todas las cosas que me harán estar listo para el siguiente domingo."
Sobre el mensaje de Brandon Staley:
"Seguir luchando. Estamos 4-3 en este momento. Queda mucho football por delante. Vamos a recuperar nuestro físico esta semana, recuperarnos, continuar mejorando y seguir adelante."
Aquí hay algo más de lo que dijeron los protagonistas del partido tras la dura derrota:
Sobre J.C. Jackson:
"Definitivamente es duro. Ese es mi hermano. Todos somos hermanos. Somos familia acá. Nunca quiero ver que nadie se lesione. Oraré por él, oraré para que se recupere y vuelva pronto."
Sobre si las penalizaciones contribuyeron a que el equipo tuviera un mal inicio:
"Oh seguro. Pero así es la NFL, no les puedes echar la culpa por eso (a los árbitros). Sólo tenemos que jugar mejor y no permitir que tengan que cobrar ese tipo de sanciones."
Sobre entrar a la semana libre 4-3:
"Ojalá hubiésemos podido ir a esta semana con una victoria, con todas estas lesiones, pero pienso que esto hará a nuestro equipo más fuerte para el cierre de la temporada. Todavía es temprano, es sólo el comienzo, así que recién estamos comenzando."
Sobre la frustración de ir a la semana de descanso así:
"Es muy frustrante porque siempre quieres ganar cada juego. Especialmente ahora que vamos a tener el tiempo de pensar al respecto. Hubiese sido mejor pensar en un triunfo, pero así es esto, pasa."
Sobre la lesión de J.C. Jackson:
"Es triste porque estaba justo a su lado. Estaba corriendo hacia la pelota, tratando de llegar a la jugada. Era la persona más cercana a él. Es triste, sabes. Le deseo todo lo mejor, oraré por él para que se recupere lo antes posible."
Sobre como reemplazar a alguien como Jackson:
"Es el siguiente hombre. Si es [Michael Davis] o el que sea, tienen que estar listos para jugar, llenar sus zapatos. Pienso que Michael hizo un gran trabajo hoy."
Sobre el partido:
"Tenemos que jugar mejor, ser mejores en nuestras asignaciones, comunicarnos mejor, mejorar en los errores mentales. No podemos hacer faltas, cometimos muchas especialmente en terceras y largas. Les dimos vida en el primer tiempo y así no funcionó."
Sobre las inconsistencias de la defensa esta temporada:
"Tienes que darle crédito a Seattle. Hacen muchas cosas, muchos movimientos a tiempo. Muchas secuencias donde el ala cerrada se mueve, cambia tu comunicación y te lo hacen más difícil en la parte alta de la secundaria. Fueron capaces de hacer un par de jugadas, especialmente en terceras oportunidades cuando cometimos faltas y no pudimos salir de la cancha. Al final del partido continuabamos sangrando por el ataque terrestre, tenemos que ser mejores en los duelos personales y mejores tacleando. Sentí que en un par de ocasiones los teníamos en la trinchera y lo siguiente que sabías, él ya se había escapado para 9-10 yardas (Kenneth Walker III) así que tenemos que ser mejores en todas las facetas, darle la pelota de vuelta a nuestra ofensiva recuperándola en defensa."
Sobre cómo está el equipo yendo a la semana bye:
"Frustrados. Enojados. El coach mencionó que si hubiésemos ganado el partido estaríamos segundos en la AFC. Si termináramos hoy estaríamos en los playoffs así que toda nuestra temporada continúa estando al frente nuestro, pero cuando eres un competidor y pierdes de esta manera te deja una sensación horrible en el estómago porque sabes que no jugaste como puedes y tienes que esperar 2 semanas para volver a jugar, los muchachos van a estar muy impacientes de volver a la cancha."
Sobre no volver a jugar en la 2da mitad:
"Me sentía bien. Estaba bajo restricción. Regresando poco a poco y con precaución en el juego, me sentí sólido."
Sobre su reacción cuando vio a Mike Williams lesionado:
"Fue duro. Yo he estado ahí antes. Me he caído con el defensa abajo tuyo y haciendo que todo se doble y sufres ese esguince de tobillo alto, así que veremos que dicen los rayos-x pero espero que esté bien."
Sobre el mensaje de Staley:
"Esos no fuimos nosotros. Definitivamente podemos jugar mejor, tenemos que jugar mejor."
Sobre el mal inicio ofensivo:
"Uno de esos días donde casi nada nos salía al principio. Tuvimos un par de buenas series donde anotamos de manera seguida y después volvimos a perder ritmo. Lo tenemos que hacer por todo un partido."
Sobre cómo debe regresar la ofensiva después de la semana bye:
"Hay que regresar con la mente clara, estar listos para trabajar cada día y no ser ese tipo que no nos deja progresar y mejorar, no ser esa persona."
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